About Us

Hello to all our Users!

Over the past three years, we have acheived lot of experience on the Ecommerce market while maintaining high connections with various main product companys.

After a lot of researching products, we developed our managment system to fullfill our vision – and give all the tools in one platform for all Ecommerce Sellers and make thier life easier.

Use our automated system to handle everything from order processing to shipping to customer service and returns We know Many people today interested in additional income, and We believe that giving real value is a top priority for happy clients.

Please Join us and benefit from our knowledge and support, and feel free to contact us and ask any questions you have.

Fasellgo Team.

Meet Our Team

Betty Malka

Founder and CEO

Dvir Cohen

Head of Accounts & Finance

Movila Thessa

Customer Care

Umer Rasheed

Technical Support Lead

Omar Roshaad

Quality Assurance